Thursday, January 20, 2011

Paper :)

-Take an existing iphone game how you would make it into an alternative game? strong agrenda of somesorts
-Take somthing you feel strongly about and come up with a game that will best represent that agenda

Even after our big discussion in class on Tuesday It was extremely difficult for me to come up with an agenda. I made a list of the things i feel strongly about:
snowboarding bmx
I dont like religion
hip hop music
I really like the internet
im interested in conpiracy theories
I dont like vegetarians
Apple products always changing expensive but sooo good

I decided to skip the agenda for a moment and think about what iphone game I would like to emulate. I really enjoy the game Angry Birds, which I play on my DroidX. In this game you sling shot little birds into objects trying to break these green pig heads. The theme of the game is cute in a nonsense kind of way. I do believe, however I can change the theme to represent a strong agenda. The next thing I need to do is come up with a strong agenda of something i feel strongly about. I pounder over my list and think about what would work with an Angry Birds style of game.
I feel strongly that Apple is better than PC so i would like to incorporate that with the Angry Birds style game. The game would have IPods and MacBooks getting slingshotted at various PC computers. In the game Angry Birds there are different birds you can sling shot at the green pigheads that have different powers. In this Apple vs. PC game the different ipods and mac products could change and each have a different power when sling shotted. The message I would be trying to get across is that Apple products are better than PC products. *This is my own opinion by the way*. To make the message more clear, in the game you can also get a power up that shoots viruses at the PC computers for more points. I believe shooting the viruses will be funny because Apple computers are less susceptible to viruses than PC. The message will be clear and the style of game is fun so it should work out real well for all the Apple lovers out there!

1 comment:

  1. Alice,

    Apple vs PC is a good agenda to have It has been a strong competition for sure throughout many years. So you are on a good track here.Even the idea of Angry Birds is reasonable, but this is your chance to take Angry Birds and go the next step with it. Take that same general concept and change it a bit so that maybe each side is lobbing projectiles of some sort at each other (rather than having it be just one sided). Maybe the PCs are trying to shoot worms over to take additional bites out of Apple's apple. Maybe it is an old vs new theme or maybe it has something to do with interface differences. Just other ways of looking at it to make it different, but with the general type of gameplay as Angry Birds..

    Now is the time for you to research history on apple and PC products. Find out everything that you can about their products throughout history. THis will help you to come up with potential ideas for game ideas to model your game after; ideas for the different types of projectiles that could be represented within the game; or how to design the gameplay for your games. There are all kinds of details that can be found in the research phase.After your find some good ideas please post them on your blog.

    Marty Clayton

    Marty Clayton
