Sunday, March 20, 2011

Texture and sound

I also have been finding all the sound effects but I dont know how to post them on to the blog.

Im working on the texture for the can.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Paper :)

-Take an existing iphone game how you would make it into an alternative game? strong agrenda of somesorts
-Take somthing you feel strongly about and come up with a game that will best represent that agenda

Even after our big discussion in class on Tuesday It was extremely difficult for me to come up with an agenda. I made a list of the things i feel strongly about:
snowboarding bmx
I dont like religion
hip hop music
I really like the internet
im interested in conpiracy theories
I dont like vegetarians
Apple products always changing expensive but sooo good

I decided to skip the agenda for a moment and think about what iphone game I would like to emulate. I really enjoy the game Angry Birds, which I play on my DroidX. In this game you sling shot little birds into objects trying to break these green pig heads. The theme of the game is cute in a nonsense kind of way. I do believe, however I can change the theme to represent a strong agenda. The next thing I need to do is come up with a strong agenda of something i feel strongly about. I pounder over my list and think about what would work with an Angry Birds style of game.
I feel strongly that Apple is better than PC so i would like to incorporate that with the Angry Birds style game. The game would have IPods and MacBooks getting slingshotted at various PC computers. In the game Angry Birds there are different birds you can sling shot at the green pigheads that have different powers. In this Apple vs. PC game the different ipods and mac products could change and each have a different power when sling shotted. The message I would be trying to get across is that Apple products are better than PC products. *This is my own opinion by the way*. To make the message more clear, in the game you can also get a power up that shoots viruses at the PC computers for more points. I believe shooting the viruses will be funny because Apple computers are less susceptible to viruses than PC. The message will be clear and the style of game is fun so it should work out real well for all the Apple lovers out there!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wolf Quest

I thought the graphics were cute in this game. The wolfs looked and moved good. A critique would be that area you had to explore was quite large. The message was a bit unclear, but maybe just educational on the wolves live. This game was very different from the other games.

Kentucky friedchicken cruelty

This game was actually pretty fun because it is basically copying mario. The are blunt about copying mario so it takes away from it. There were a couple little glitches that were annoying but they made the game fun. The message came across nicely and was not in your face like some of the other games i played. I think this game did a good job at makeing it fun and actually had me play for more than a few min.


The game was too hard to play and you had to really read the directions to beable to play. It is a major turn off and made me not want to play. The message of mcdonalds was confusing but i guess bad publicity is still publicity.

Rain Forest Foundation game

This game is obviously educational. The first part of the game is them telling you rain forest facts. The game lost my attention immediately with the little educational facts. after they tell you the story you press play game once again. The controls are pretty easy with just jump and duck. They then try and get you to give them your email and information which upsets me. I just want to play a game not give all my information. But they are successful in getting their point across that the rainforest needs to be saved and they need OUR help. The game is not that much fun in my opinion because the gravity is weird with jumping and i was frustrated by the time i got to the game. They could have improved the game by not pushing their message so hard on the player.

Racist Anti-Mexican "Border Patrol" Game

This game is pretty raciest. Yet i find it some what humorous as well. The game is going with the idea that illegal mexicans are bad and should be shot and killed. They used the method of humor to get the message of mexicans are bad across. I dont feel they were very successful because the game is a bet too easy and does not have alot of depth. If the game had a little bit more going on that would make someone want to play for a long time then it would probably work better.

Game: Airport Security

The game I found was really challenging maybe even a little two hard. I think the game is trying to teach memory and dexterity. It is also accomplishing the idea that security check points are ok and having to take your clothes off at a security point is fun. The game just tells society the security checks can be fun and are ok. I do not feel they were very successful because the game is a bit hard and i had to read the directions a few times to get it. The game was not very fun to me. They could improve by adding an activity that people enjoy doing instead of waiting in line. The same concept and game play in a different theme could work.